Safeguard Magazine
Information. Innovation. Inspiration.
Latest Issue
Issue 206
July/Aug 2024 Edition
Psychosocial case law
ROSE POWELL and EMMA PETERSON say that society’s increasingly open approach to mental health issues means employers need to be alert to the psychosocial risks facing their people.
Indoor air: the revolution we need
Investing in clean water supply was a revolutionary idea in the 19th century, with huge public health benefits. Associate Professor AMANDA KVALSVIG puts the case for a similar revolution to improve indoor air quality.
Forestry: lessons for reformers
JOE AKARI says the reasons behind improvements in the forestry sector in the last ten years need to be factored in to any government reforms of the H&S regulatory space.
This edition also contains items such as:
- Awards 2024 - all finalists and winners!
- Conference 2024 - our reporters summarise the highlights.
- Aftermath: trauma prompts career change
- John Skudder & Mike Massaar: lifetime achievers
- Getting serious about design: Auckland Council overall champion
- Risk and control velocity
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Highlights from previous issues
Enabling Conversations
The winner of a new Awards category - Mental Health Champion - talks to Jackie Brown-Haysom about creating space for conversations on challenging subjects in work and life.
Sentencing reimagined
Olivia Lund and Sean Brennan call for health and safety regulators and prosecution and defence counsel to give effect to the purpose of the Health and Safety at Work Act.
Setting a new course
Peter Bateman talks to Steve Young, author of the NZISM H&S qualifications review, about his journey into H&S and the influence of his Australian experience.
Aftermath: Leonie Metcalfe
The long-serving nurse was diagnosed with mesothelioma in July 2020. She talked to Peter Bateman about her efforts to raise awareness of the deadly disease.
Safety in the pink
What does it take to win the Emerging Practitioner category? Peter Bateman spoke with 2022 winner Jessie Bourke to find out.
Winning the paperwork battle
Do some of your safety processes feel like a compliance exercise or - worse - a means of gathering evidence to blame someone? Desai Link outlines how to strip them back.
The Lone Ranger
Being a community ranger in a regional park is an outdoors job to envy, but it comes with some serious challenges to mental wellbeing. PETER BATEMAN reports.
Night Work Questioned
Court decisions have forced significant changes to how work is allocated in the stevedoring industry. Given the serious health (and safety) risks involved, SIMON MITCHELL questions the need for much night work.
The Wellbeing of People
Department of Corrections chief executive Jeremy Lightfoot won the Leader category at the 2022 Awards. PETER BATEMAN talked to him about the importance of demonstrating care for people.
Aftermath: Grant Bowling
Taranaki truck driver Grant Bowling tells Jackie Brown-Haysom how an incident in the yard at the end of an ordinary working day changed his life.
Reps making a difference
You're a health & safety rep. Great! But how best to carry out your role?
Ali Whitton suggests how reps can work with their organisations to make worthwhile change.
Spotlight: Joe Akari
Joe Akari is CEO of the Forest Industry Safety Council